Thursday, January 05, 2006

Final Year Nerves!!!

Last night it hit me like a slap in the face....2 semesters of hard work and I will actually be a RN (assuming the academic gods are willing!!) I am soo not ready for this!!! Is it normal for panic to set in after 3 years of hard work?? I just don't feel equipped to handle anything yet. Maybe it is that I haven't been on prac for ages and I have lost my groove. I think the responsibility of the job is setting in.

In kind of a double edged sword thingy - I really enjoy reading other nurses, graduates and students blogs' as it is inspiring and comforting to know I am not alone. Then I get to thinking...Did they all feel overwhelemed like me? Were they full of panic or were they well prepared by the time graduation rolls round? I have always felt that the semester break of nearly 4 months is just too damn long. All the best intensions and well developed study habits go out the window as other responsibilities like caring for family, and other desires such as shopping and relaxing kick in. When going back to Uni it usually takes me the first 3 weeks to settle back into any sort of routine. By then panic sets in as there is always assessments due in week 4. I just need to spend my spare time reading and refreshing my knowledge base so I am ready to take on the responsibility of being a final year nursing student.

Thanks for stopping in.....

"Hear and you forget; see and you remember; do and you understand."


Heather said...

I was definitely overwhelmed at the end of nursing school. It takes some time after you graduate from school and start taking care of patients before you will truly feel comfortable. But one day you will be startled to realize that you are comfortable, confident and good at what you do. Then you will find yourself acting as a resource for new nurses. Just go with the flow. It all comes in time.

Catepillar RN said...

By my last semester of nursing school, I felt like it was all coming together. I had a 5 month break between graduation and working in my "specialty area", which allowed some anxiety to build. Now the worries I have are somehow different (than when I was a student). I'm a new grad and my comfort level is steadily increasing. Now most days I feel, all is well in my ER world! Other days, I can feel overwhelmed if I allow myself to. It IS normal and healthy to feel some anxiety. Just remember, you have TRAINED to do this and you DO know a lot. Don't forget to give yourself credit. You WILL be a great nurse! =)
BTW, enjoyed finding your blog. It IS nice to know nurses can support each other this way!

Jo said...

I think I've had several near panic attacks over my last two years in RN school. As for this being my last semester, maybe if I don't think about it, it will go away.
Anyone have a paper bag? *breathe breathe breathe*
You'll do great! Take it one week or one day at a time and focus on the stuff due now, and the stuff you need to study for NOW, not later.

Jellyhead said...

Hi Unimum,

Thanks for saying hello on my blog :)

I know that I haven't done nursing, but I would imagine it's like doctoring - you start off feeling you know almost nothing (though in actual fact you know more than you realise), but you learn HEAPS and HEAPS on the job. That's why all we medical people start off with people supervising us... so we can ask questions and get help. I've been working over 10 yrs now and I am still asking questions of my colleagues. You can never know everything.

I reckon one of the greatest skills in medicine is knowing your own limitations. If you are aware what you're unsure on, you can address this. The most dangerous medicos (doctors, nurses, whatever) are those who are too cocky. I've seen it many times, and I'm sure you have too. So being aware of your weaker areas of knowledge is really a strength.

Anyway, you sound smart and conscientious and kind, and I'm sure you will excel in your profession!

Chat to you another time,